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CGC Puppy

CGC Puppy has 9 items to be tested on.  Mainly all the basic puppy training received in the Bambino Class forms part of the 9 items to be tested with food manners, meeting a stranger and retrieving added. Become a proud owner with a well-behaved puppy


Requirement: Bambino Class (Puppy Class)

CGC Bronze:

The Bronze level consists of 13 tests. The first two tests are simply to show that you have presented your dog, healthy, clean and groomed and it will let someone like a vet or a groomer examine it and that you can put on a collar and a lead. The other eleven tests range from "Present for Examination on a Lead" through "Reaction to Distractions" to "Lie Down and Stay on Command"

Requirements: Must have completed our Elementary obedience course.


CGC Silver:

Handlers and Dogs that have been awarded the CGC Bronze Certificate may participate in the CGC Silver Tests. The Silver level consists of 10 tests, including "Road Work", getting in and out of a vehicle, ignoring distractions, food manners and staying in one place and then rejoining the handler.

Requirements: Must have completed our CGC Bronze course.

CGC Gold:

Handlers and Dogs that have been awarded the CGC Silver Certificate may participate in the CGC Gold Tests. The Gold level also consists of 10 tests, mostly more advanced versions of the Silver tests and also include new tests like stopping the dog at a distance and sending the dog to bed.

Requirements: Must have completed our CGC Silver course

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